Benvenuti nel mio blog. Un piccolo angolo perso nel web, ma tutto mio, una piccola finestra per guardare in quello che è un po' il mio mondo, un mondo creativo... Come un'isola che non c'è... Fairy non a caso, una figura che parla di creatività, di fantasia, colori... Scrivere di me o di cosa troverete in questo blog non è semplice ma sono io in quel che creo, in quel che esprimo... che sia bello o meno... that's me...
domenica 9 ottobre 2016
Hi everyone, this is a post for English language friends, you can find in my youtube channel video how to make this kind of Angels, in my video I show you all, I'm traslating all videos, but I need time, to add subtitles, so friends be patient please.
Here you find old one the one I made last year as gift to my friends and two ones you see in the video. Where you see me using paste, silver colour, you get this effect you can see in blue one, I have also gold, I like them, I wish find other colour too, I think it's nice to add something extra to our creations, a little thich more... =)
you can download this to make hat of our angel, or use felt cord to make hair , I hope you'll like them =)
in this one I used a heart not a ball and no hat but felt cord and gold paste "false lead"
I close this short post, with new one I made in the video and as soon as I'll make other Angel, the one where I wrote Buon Natale is not ready yet, as soon as it's ready I'll show you =) I add her video, and right now I'm keeping traslate it in english, if you don't see yet subtitles they'll be ready at the soonest. to soon. xoxo Betty
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