Anyway this is basket I mean
1 round
1^ round
in a magic ring we work 3 chains and 12 d.c (tot 13) close round by ss
2^ round
we makde an increase in each stitch till we have 26 stitch and close by a s.s
3^ round we have an increase and a dc, we have to make 13 increase, till we have 39 stitch but we need 40 stitches so in last stitches we increase twice near till we reach 40 stitches
we make only dc without increases but we have to work in back loop, always close by a s.s
5^ round
1 chain and skip one we go in next one and there we work 6 d.c than skip a ground stitch again and go in next making a s.c and repeat all for 10 time (we get 10 arches)
6^& 7^ round
1 chain and we to work a s.c in each one for all round, for 2 rounds
8^ round
we start to make base to make crocodile stitch: 5 chains and skip 3 stitch and we work a d.c and again a d.c, 2 chains and a d.c 2 chain and again 2 d.c you should have something like this _ _!_ _ !!_ _ !_ _ !! till the end of round
9^ round
Now in that 2 d.c we have from round before, we shall work 5 dc making them between 2 dc _ !!_ (sorry but to explain in english is not so easy, in video you can watch better), 5 dc, 2 chains than you turn work and work in other dc other 5 dc and close by a s.c and again till end of round
10^ round
to make nicest effect work a full round of crab stitch (I hope is the right way to call this stitch)
Your basket is almost ended, It miss sleeve that I worked creating a 3d romanian point lace cord (I don't know if it's the right name)
This is it, I hope this pattern can be useful, forgive my mistakes and I pray you to say me in comment names of these kind of stitches.
This post wants to be a help to my video, So I let you here video of this basket. Bye Betty